▶️ Covaxin effective against Delta Plus variant of COVID-19: Study
▶️ India reports 30,549 new Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours; Daily positivity rate at 1.85%, remains below 5%
▶️ 47.85 Cr. Vaccine Doses administered so far under Nationwide Vaccination Drive in India
▶️ Covid-19 can be transmitted from tears of infected patients: Study
▶️ Synthetic hinge could hold key to revolutionary ‘smart’ insulin therapy
▶️ Centre Govt grants Rs 100cr for medical device park in Uttar Pradesh
▶️ UAE rolls out Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 3-17
▶️ A month late, the US crosses a major goal of 70% vaccination rate amid surging Covid-19 cases
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