Dr. Ramesh Kinha
Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide. With the growth and ageing of the global population, it is expected to have 5 lac new death by 2030 by this disease.

Data from national cancer registries show that Prostate is the second leading site of cancer among males in large Indian cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Pune, the third leading site of cancer in cities like Bangalore and Mumbai and it is among the top ten leading sites of cancers in the rest.
Prostate cancer remains one of the least talked among cancers in public, at least in India. Hence, there remains a great deal of misinformation about the disease. Further, it is one of the most asymptomatic cancers and sometimes, symptoms are attributed to something else. 65 percent of cases are diagnosed in men who are 65 or older and most of the time first found because of screening. The PSA blood test is used mainly to screen for prostate cancer in men with or without symptoms.
A core needle biopsy is the main method used to diagnose prostate cancer. It is usually done under the guidance of ultrasound or MRI and is done by a urologist. One or more imaging tests like MRI, Bone scan, PET scan can also be used to understand spread and follow up.
Most doctors believe that surgery, external radiation, and brachytherapy have the same cure rates for earliest-stage prostate cancers. However, each type of treatment has risks and benefits that should be considered. Newer types of surgery (such as robotic-assisted prostatectomy) and radiation therapy (such as proton beam radiation) in recent years.
The writer is Vice President & Head of Lab Operations, Medall Healthcare
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