By Health In Five Writer
Mumbai’s Monika More got a fresh lease of life after undergoing a double hand transplant at the Global Hospital in Mumbai. The 24-year-old had spent over four weeks in the hospitals after undergoing a 16-hour procedure.

Monika More, who was a teenager, when she both her hands in 2014 after falling into a deadly platform gap at Ghatkopar station. She tried to use prosthetic limbs for a few months but soon realized that they are practically useless and more of a burden.
Two years back, she was registered for bilateral hand transplantation at Global Hospital. On several occasions, there were potential organ donors who could have donated hands for Monika.
But she missed the opportunities as the donor families did not agree for hand donation. Finally, a suitable donor was identified in Chennai.
A young man was brain-dead and his family generously agreed for hand donation. The donor’s hands were flown in from Chennai to Mumbai by a chartered flight and bilateral hand transplant surgery was successfully performed on August 28.
Now, Monika is getting discharged and wishes to live life the way she has always imagined.
“After performing the complex procedure successfully, Monika was put on immunosuppressant medication. She was kept in the transplant ICU in a separate room, with a dedicated nurse as strict care and isolation was needed. Regular dressings were done for both the hands,” Dr. Nilesh G Satbhai, Consultant Plastic, Aesthetic, Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgeon at Global Hospitals said in a statement.
“The patient was able to sit up and walk with support for her arms on the 3rd day itself. She was given physiotherapy twice a day along with breathing and shoulder exercises. She initially had a plaster slab above the elbow till the hand to support the bones, and will need splints for more than a month,” Dr Satbhai added.
The movements of the patient’s mother and brother were restricted at the hospital.
“The patient’s family was in touch with her via phone and video calls to minimize the chances of infection. Since the patient will be more prone to infections; she will have to stay isolated while at home for several months. No visitors will be allowed at home. The patient has been instructed to avoid all social events and gatherings, restrict stepping out of the house unnecessarily, and follow the COVID protocols and guidelines,” Dr. Vivek Talaulikar, Global Hospital CEO, said.
Monika was elated to finally receive a new pair of hands. “I became emotional after the transplant as I strongly believed that I will get new hands and can fulfil my dream. Earlier, I would avoid attending functions or weddings as I couldn’t apply mehndi on my hands.
“But, after my hands get functional, I will apply mehndi, paint, and do activities such as eating, bathing, combing hair, and cooking on my own. I always wanted to become independent and I am happy that I will be able to do so. I thank my late father, mother and brother, the family of the donor, who donated hands and other organs and the doctors from Global Hospital who gave me a fresh lease of life,” Monika said.
Dr Satbhai informed that recovery from the hand transplant will be a long-drawn one for Monika.
“In the next couple of weeks, she will be asked to move her elbow as well. Her hand and fingers are expected to start moving after 3-4 months as the nerve healing and recovery happens. The muscles, tendons, and bones would also heal by then. The patient will need help with her day-to-day-activities until then.
“But, once the hands start functioning, and exercise and physiotherapy progress, she will be more independent. Her functional recovery will continue over the next year and a half. After spending 4 weeks in the hospital (2 weeks in the TICU, 2 weeks in the HDU), Monika is now on oral medications only, and the immunosuppression doses have started tapering now. The patient has recovered smoothly and responded very well to the treatment. She will have to adhere to the follow-up instructions and continue exercising while at home,” Dr. Satbhai added.