By Health In Five Writer
In this option driven consumer era, it has undoubtedly become very tough to make a choice. While most of the time brand quality and price plays the deciding factors, when it comes to the health of our children, all mothers are ready to stretch an extra mile in making the right choice for a health drink for their precious one. But, which is the right drink you should buy?
If advertisements were to be believed, each of the health drinks available helps in boosting immunity, increase height, energise brain cells, make our kids more sharp and receptive and definitely strong enough to fight all diseases. So does this mean that they are all good? Well, yes!
The basic content or the nutritive value in most of these health drinks is almost same, which you will get to know if you will read their information labels and compare. Because of the price war, their rates too are not much different from the other, thus making the choice all the more tough for you. Therefore it is best to select a health drink based on the taste preferences of your child. While they all ay come in their yummy chocolate and vanilla flavours, your little one will certainly like the taste of one better than the other.
However, you must remember one thing. All of these health drinks come with added sugar and are fairly high in their energy levels. Thus, try not to make them heavier with any added sugar when you are serving the same to the younger ones. Also, don’t overdo the quantity when giving them health supplements – one teaspoon in milk twice daily is the perfect and the best option to give to your children during their growing up years.
With the coronavirus pandemic at its peak, people believe that Vitamic C supplements help in batting the Covid-19 virus. However, Dr Nargis Shamin, senior doctor of medicine at Patna Medical College and Hospital doesn’t believe so.
“They do play a vital role in maintaining good health, but taking them without consulting a doctor can be harmful. People, who are prone to seasonal flu or have history of weak immune response, should consume them. Healthy individuals, on the other hand, can get adequate amount of Vitamin C by eating diet rich in green vegetables and citrus fruits,” Dr Shamin was quoted as saying by TOI.