Majority of the vitamins we consume are manufactured synthetically, instead of being derived from natural resources. They thus act to mimic the manner in which natural vitamins would work. Natural vitamins, as the name goes, are not a result of test tube synthesis, but rather vitamins produced by maximum possible retention of the natural material. Synthetic vitamins, on the other hand, are manufactured in a laboratory from coal tar derivatives. Co-factors that are present in natural vitamins, such as Bioflavonoid in Vitamin C, are not found in synthetic vitamins, since they only occur in nature. Natural vitamins are produced under no extreme heat or pressure, are devoid of chemical coatings, and are prepared from high quality raw materials.
Human body is capable of flushing out some synthetic vitamins, with the help of kidneys, which helps in the process of flushing out the same. With some synthetic vitamins, the body is unable to utilise most of the nutrients, which results in the whole product being flushed out of the body; along with your money! Not to mention the discomfort caused.
Synthetic vitamins do not just come with an increased threat of toxins, but also comes loaded with an increased threat of allergic (many times harmful) reactions. Thus, the only approach to avoiding synthetic vitamins is to eat as many natural and whole foods as possible, feeding only natural vitamins to our body.
So, how does one avoid the synthetic vitamins? Fortunately, the devil’s in the details. Read the labels to determine your product’s effectiveness. The ingredient list gives an insight into the percentage of synthetic vitamins that have been added. Synthetic vitamins can be identified with words that begin with ‘dl.’ ‘dl-alpha tocopherol’ is a synthetic form of vitamin E. Also, in this example, the body uses the d-form of the Vitamin, and therefore the l-form that you consume goes moot.
However, like in any case, arguments do lie in the favour of synthetic vitamins as well. To begin with, consuming natural vitamins may be easy, but the quantity one gets to intake is questionable. But synthetically manufactured vitamin supplements deliver a promised amount of vitamins, thus keeping up with the need of the body.
While naturally produced fruits may not meet quality standards, same cannot be said about synthetic vitamins, since they are produced in laboratories following strict quality rules.
Thus, in all fairness, one might not shun the case of synthetic vitamins completely. To ensure a healthy intake, a balanced multivitamin diet must be followed. Let your knowledge be your guide while making the right choice for your body!